Component | Translated | Untranslated | Untranslated words | Untranslated characters | Checks | Suggestions | Comments | |
Android GPL-3.0 | 99% | 3 | 7 | 41 | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
App Stores
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
experiments GPL-3.0 | 2% | 403 | 5,431 | 33,539 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
iOS GPL-3.0 | 93% | 22 | 156 | 997 | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
iOS InfoPlist
0% | 7 | 203 | 1,249 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
iOS Settings
23% | 10 | 16 | 90 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
Glossary phyphox GPL-3.0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||
Project website | |
Translation license | GPL-3.0 Android iOS iOS InfoPlist experiments App Stores phyphox |
String statistics
Strings percent | Hosted strings | Words percent | Hosted words | Characters percent | Hosted characters | |
Total | 1,150 | 9,929 | 60,577 | |||
Translated | 61% | 705 | 41% | 4,116 | 40% | 24,661 |
Needs editing | 1% | 6 | 1% | 14 | 1% | 82 |
Failing checks | 1% | 6 | 1% | 14 | 1% | 82 |
Strings with suggestions | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 | 0% | 0 |
Not translated strings | 38% | 439 | 58% | 5,799 | 59% | 35,834 |
Quick numbers
Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days
Trends of last 30 days
Hosted words
Hosted strings
phyphox gives you access to the sensors of your phone either directly or through ready-to-play experiments which analyze your data and let you export raw data along with the results for further analysis. You can even define your own experiments on and share them with colleagues, students and friends.
Selected Features:
- A selection of pre-defined experiments. Just press play to start.
- Export your data to a range of widely used formats
- Remote-control your experiment through a web interface from any PC on the same network as your phone. No need to install anything on those PCs - all you need is a modern web browser.
- Define your own experiments by selecting sensor inputs, defining analysis steps and creating views as an interface using our web-editor ( The analysis can consists of just adding two values or using advanced methods like Fourier transforms and crosscorrelation. We offer a whole toolbox of analysis functions.
Sensors supported:
- Accelerometer
- Magnetometer
- Gyroscope
- Light intensity
- Pressure
- Microphone
- Proximity
*some sensors are not present on every phone.
Export formats
- CSV (Comma separated values)
- TSV (Tab-separated values)
- Excel
(if you need other formats, please let us know)
This app has been developed at the 2nd Institute of Physics A at the RWTH Aachen University.
Explanation for the permissions requested
If you have Android 6.0 or newer, some permissions will only be asked for when needed.
Internet: This grants phyphox network access, which is required to load experiments from online resources or when using the remote access. Both are only done when requested by the user and no other data is transmitted.
Bluetooth: Used to access external sensors.
Read external storage: This is may be necessary when opening an experiment stored on the device.
Record audio: Required to use the microphone in experiments.
Location: Used to access GPS for location-based experiments.
Camera: Used to scan QR codes for external experiment configurations.
Phyphox vam daje pristup senzorima vašeg telefona direktno ili kroz pokuse spremne za igru koji analiziraju vaše podatke i omogućuju Vam da izvezete sirove podatke zajedno s rezultatima za daljnju analizu. Možete čak i definirati vlastite pokuse na i podijeliti ih sa kolegama, studentima i prijateljima.
Izabrane funkcije:
- Izbor predodređenih pokusa. Samo pritisnite "pokreni" za početak.
- Izvezite podatke u širok opseg formata
- Daljinsko upravljanje pokusom putem web sučelja s bilo kojeg računala na istoj mreži kao i Vašeg telefona. Nema potrebe za instalacijom na tim računalima - sve što vam je potrebno je suvremen web preglednik.
- Definirajte vlastite pokuse tako što će te izabrati ulaze senzora, definirati korake analize i kreirati prikaze kao sučelje koristeći naš web-uređivač ( Analiza se može sastojati samo od dodavanja dvije vrijednosti ili korištenja naprednih metoda kao što su Furijerove transformacije i unakrsna korelacija. Nudimo kompletan alat za analizu funkcija.
Podržani senzori:
- Akcelerometar
- Magnetometar
- Žiroskop
- Intenzitet svjetlosti
- Pritisak
- Mikrofon
- Blizina
* Neki senzori nisu prisutni na svakom telefonu.
Izvozni formati
- CSV (vrijednosti odvojene zarezom)
CTSV (vrijednosti odvojene tabulatorom)- Excel
(ako vam trebaju drugi formati, javite nam se)
Ova aplikacija je razvijena na Drugom institutu za fiziku A na Sveučilištu RVTH Aachen.
Objašnjenje za tražene dozvole
Ako imate Android 6.0 ili noviji, neke dozvole će se tražiti samo kada je to potrebno.
Internet: Ovo omogućuje pristup Phyphox mreži, koji je potreban za učitavanje pokusa iz mrežnih izvora ili kada se koristi udaljeni pristup. Oba se izvršavaju samo kada to zahtijeva korisnik i ne prenose se drugi podaci.
Bluetooth: Koristi se za pristup vanjskim senzorima.
Čitanje vanjske pohrane: Ovo je možda potrebno prilikom otvaranja pokusa koji se čuva na uređaju.
Snimanje zvuka: Potrebno je koristiti mikrofon u pokusima.
Lokacija: Koristi se za pristup GPS-u za pokusa osnovane na lokaciji.
Kamera: Koristi se za očitavanje QR kodova za postavke vanjskih pokusa.